About Us
Timber Pro Coatings (performance based, environmentally safe, naturally beautiful wood finishes for both interior and exterior).
Timber Pro Coatings has been manufacturing green (eco-friendly) and sustainable wood finishes since 1996,
years before the trend became a movement. Now, we have earned the right to call ourselves “pioneers” in
the creation and promotion of environmentally safe building products. The growth and success of Timber Pro
Coatings is proof that our environmentally safe wood finishes are preforming in the harsh Canadian environment.
Our product line has many advantages; there are 7 coatings and 2 wood preparation products. Each product is a one base system with one, two or three coats of the same base used in the finishing process. Each product can be tinted to one of our 85 plus standard colours or custom colours as per customer’s choice.
For consumers, product features such as Low VOC, no ammonia, soap and water clean-up, one product base
only to buy and apply, easy application, excellent colour clarity and large variety of colours (1000 formulas to
date) to suit customer’s needs. Customer feedback is very positive, supporting the fact our product
not only works well in the Canadian environment; it is easy to use.
Past Projects